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Hi, I am Alice, the Creator of:
Doggy and Catty (汪星人和喵星人) - A series about a cute animal couple who adores happiness and dream
Alice Draws Marketing - My reflections on the marketing world via humorous, lighthearted cartoon
Sing-Animal (新动物语) - Where I turned current news into a vivid animal world. It's also published in Lian He Zao Bao, a major Chinese newspaper in SG.
How to make the sleepy potato king eat? (怎么让睡着了的土豆国王吃饭?) - A picture book I drew for my son to teach him about empathy
Fun Chinese Learning for Kids - A series I was committed for Kiasuparents, one of the biggest parenting websites, to teach children Chinese via fun comics
My Work
Have a Glance at Some of My Cartoon Arts
Handmade Postcards
The Love Stories of a Cute Doggy and Catty Duo
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